Jerry’s Place is a Social Model Hospice Home located in About Care Assisted Living Center in Seaside, California. We offer a comfortable home-like environment for individuals enrolled in a hospice program to live out their final days, specifically when they do not have a safe and stable living situation or caregiver. We are the only facility in Monterey county offering these services.

Jerry’s Place is an initiative of the Jerry Rubin Foundation and is supported  by a grant received from the Hospice Giving Foundation.

We are a group of individuals from a variety of professions who have come together to build and operationalize Jerry’s Place, a social model hospice home. We are doctors, nurses, volunteers, administrators, pharmacists, coordinators, chaplains, and educators. We all have one thing in common: to provide a quality end of life experience for those who may not otherwise have the resources or ability to live their final days in peace and comfort. This is our mission, this is our PASSION.

Our Team

Connie Riley, Program Coordinator
Please contact Connie to refer patients to Jerry’s place, volunteer, donate to our
wish list or to ask questions.

Carey Madill, Foundation Services Coordinator
Please contact Carey Madill to refer patients to Jerry’s place, volunteer, donate to
our wish list or to ask questions.

Jerry Rubin Foundation
Monterey, CA 93940

Jerry’s Place
About Care Assisted Living Center 1201 LaSalle Avenue Seaside, CA 93955

Jerry's Place Wish List

In order to provide the most comfortable space for our residents, we need your help. Here are the items that we currently need for Jerry’s Place:

No items currently needed.

Thank you for thinking of us!

Image from Foundation Website - 5


Jerry Rubin Foundation
5 Harris Court, Building T, Suite 201
Monterey, CA 93940

Valeria M Wareham, Executive Director